Cut 80% of financial scams

Use powerful visual analysis technology to take down scams before they victimize your customers. No code, no installation, near-zero false positives.

Trusted by the world's best organizations

Total scams
Down in 7 days

Cut true cost of scams

With daily monitoring and enforcement, our customers see 80% or more reduction in scams within three months. Our visual analysis technology find 50% more scams than keyword-only solutions. Customers get priority takedowns with our social media partnerships.

Monitor and takedown
Scam intelligence
No-code platform
Dedicated analysts

How does it work?

Simple Onboarding

No installation required for our SaaS platform. Only public information collected.

Regular Monitoring

We set up monitoring. Multiple alert options e.g. dashboard, Slack alerts and API.

Takedown Assistance

We can do takedowns on your behalf. We have partnerships for prioritized takedowns.
